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Athletic & Sports Development, Post - Athletic Career Strategist




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Delivery Services



Waving in Headphones


Video call


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As an experienced athlete and professional basketball player, Traevon Jackson knows the techniques of planning and strategizing, how to ensure individual success within team environments, expanding into endeavors outside of your sport, personal development, and the most important part, which is the process of mastering specific skills and growth within the minds. Traevon knows the fundamental skills of being successful in the game of basketball through God by helping you focus on life lessons the game provides (how it correlates with life), visualization and meditation, stretching, ball skills, and much more.


Traevon Jackson is a certified agent of The Laws of Life with Mental Stability and provides services in his expertise alongside the resources created by Dr. Anthony Rhodman to assist clients in enhancing their performance and post- careers in their sports endeavors.




Working from Home

One-Time Consultation

Schedule a one-time session to develop a personalized plan of action for achieving mental stability and incorporating our team member's particular expertise. With their extensive knowledge and experience, our team members will answer your questions, provide guidance, and offer encouragement as you embark on your journey. 

$50 / one-time session

Laughing during a Lecture

Speaking Engagements

Our team members provide speaking engagements on the topics of their expertise. Our speaking engagements are informative and engaging, aimed at helping people make positive changes in their lifestyles. Our team can provide customized presentations tailored to the needs of your organization based on their expertise.

$300 / speaking engagement

Working on Laptop

Performance Training

Our team members offer performance training to individuals who want to excel in their upcoming events, focusing on their specific expertise. During these sessions, you will receive the help  you need to develop the necessary skills and techniques to improve your performance, boost your confidence, and achieve success for your event. 

$1,00/ performance training

Stand-up Meeting


Our Mental Stability team conducts workshops covering a range of topics aimed at equipping individuals with valuable tools and strategies to improve mental well-being and support a healthy work-life balance. Led by our team members, these interactive sessions empower participants to build kickstart your path towards enhanced mental wellness and personal development.

$500 / workshop

One-Time Services
Affiliate Craft Services



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Affiliate Craft Services


This subscription allows you to receive a specific craft service from our certified team members, while also providing access to the self-paced Mental Stability Curriculum, a mental health and healing program developed by Dr. Anthony Rhodman, to teach you how to attain stability mentally in both your mind and life, whether your goal is to reduce daily stress, achieve stable mental health, or embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. If you would like to learn the specific craft from our team member as well, you can subscribe to the Community Guide for them to walk you through learning their craft.

$100 / month

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Mental Stability Community Guide


If you're interested in collaborating with a Team Member as a guide AND wish to gain access to the Mental Stability Community and community resources, this bundle is perfect for you! This bundle also includes the option of The Affiliate Craft Service and The Success Laws of Life Consulting if you would like specific guidance during your subscription. Connect with community members worldwide for networking, collaboration, and participation in live virtual meetings with mental performance expert and founder of Mental Stability, Dr. Anthony Rhodman.

$200 / month




The Success Laws of Life Consulting Services are tailored to help you understand and apply the Success Laws of Life into your job, career, or profession, enhancing your productivity in both this world and the Games of Life. Each level provides distinct guidance from our Mental Stability Team Members to support you on your life journey. Our offerings range from a basic introduction to these success laws to specialized assistance in navigating your career using these principles for success. Whether you're seeking a simple job, looking to embark on a new career, or simply interested in learning about the Success Laws of Life, the Games of Life, and manifestation techniques, our team can provide valuable support regardless of where you are in your journey. 

Guidance to Mental Stability

If you are currently employed or would like help in your search of a new position, learn how to incorporate these success laws into your existing position or career, or provide services in career management and coaching using these success laws.

Personal Consulting

Our team members can help you obtain mental stability by understanding how to apply the Success Laws of Life into your job, career, or profession, enhancing your productivity in both this world and the Games of Life.

Games of Life Assistance

Learn about the blockages, barriers, and mental viruses and diseases that stop your progression and growth in life and discover the games of life so you can successfully navigate this world. 

Certified Consulting




The Success Laws of Life Consulting

With Traevon Jackson

The Success Laws of Life Consulting will introduce elementary and material laws that govern this realm we live in and affect everything we do in this realm. Join group sessions or meet one-on-one with your Team Member to discover how to start aligning yourself with these laws and work along with them, leading to success in your endeavors instead of fighting against them. 

$15 / month (Main Group)

$1000 / month (Private Group)


Manifestation Techniques & Steps

With Traevon Jackson

Manifestation Techniques & Steps teaches you the manifesting techniques, such as true affirmation, mediation, visualization, and much more to help you effectively manifest while staying aligned with the elementary and material laws of this realm.. You can choose to join group sessions or have personalized one-on-one meetings with your team member, who will guide you in grasping these techniques alongside the success laws of life.

$50 / month 

$1000 / month (Private Group)


Mental Healing

With Traevon Jackson

Mental Healing assists you in identifying the mental blockages, barriers, mental viruses, and mental diseases that hinder your progress and growth in life along with learning about the elementary and material laws of life that bring success in your life. You have the option to participate in group sessions or meet one-on-one with a Team Member to discover how these mental challenges can be entirely eliminated, enabling you to advance and achieve genuine mental healing.

$30 / month 

$1000 / month (Private Group)


The Blueprint

With Traevon Jackson

The Blueprint takes you on The Journey through the Games of Life, accompanied by the Laws of Life that will help navigate to the real world. Join group sessions or have personalized one-on-one meetings with your team member, who will guide you in designing your own player for the Games of Life with our player development tools and discover how to succeed in these Games of Life.

$100 / month

$1000 / month (Private Group)

Agent Services




Agent Team Member Services

With Traevon Jackson

Agent Team Member Services provide support for individuals seeking mental stability in their work by aligning with the elementary and material laws that influence our world and life. Whether you're searching for a job, seeking a new opportunity, aiming to improve in your current role, looking for a productive community, or looking to bring your work and craft into our community, we can assist you in becoming more productive in this realm and the world.

$200 / month 


Specialist Career Coach & Manager Services

With Traevon Jackson

Specialist Career Coach and Manager Services provide you with guidance in your career, as well as in your personal and professional life. One of our team members can serve as your agent, career coach, and manager, helping you navigate your professional field, industry, and market to become more productive in the real world, while also aligning yourself with the elementary and material laws of life.

$1,000 / month


Speciality Agent Team Member Services

With Traevon Jackson

Specialty Agent Team Member services provide assistance as your agent (liaison officer, mediator, broker, fiduciary, representative) to help you navigate your career across the major fields, industries, markets, and marketplaces. Our goal is to create more productive citizens by integrating the elementary  and material laws that affect our world and lives into your career journey.


$600 / month

Browse our online course library


Personal Development & Therapy Courses & Materials

The Mental Library offers an extensive selection of online courses aimed at helping you cultivate a strong and stable mind and life. Crafted and developed by expert in mental development, management, and  advancement, Dr. Anthony Rhodman, theses courses guide you through your personal and professional journey to succeed in life's games, which we call The Mind Games, You vs. The World, and The Money Games. The Mental Library includes courses in mental therapy, mental stability, mental rebirth, mental development, mental advancement, and much more. Explore our library to find the course or courses that best suit your needs and support you on your mental health journey.

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